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Why choose Link
for your tech

  • Reliability and scalability

    We have a track record of delivering on time and on budget, and we are focused on handling our customer's future growth needs.

  • Only original products

    We only stock and sell genuine products from reputable brands and manufactures with a trusted record. This also allows us to give product warranty.

  • Technical expertise

    Our personnel are trained to provide relevant technical and customised solutions, ongoing support and maintenance. They stay current with the latest advancements in the field.


High quality products, original brands, unlimited supply capacity

Link stocks a wide range of computers, cellphones, printers and accessories from reputable brands across the board to support users in various industries. We also supply unique, niche specific products on order to support a number of industries.

Call us today:

+263 715 454 444 | +263 772 205 188

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